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for all in Singapore who love the koto

AY24/25 Semester 2 (JAN - MAY)

Please keep a lookout for updates on practice days on this page!

We welcome all members, NUS or non-NUS, to join us and play Koto together. However, the sessions are for registered members only. Please drop an email or sign up using the forms on our contact page if you are interested to join!


Weekdays:   [WED] 2.30PM - 5.30PM

                      [FRI] 7.30PM - 9.30PM

Saturday:     [Beginner Lesson] 11AM - 1PM

                      [Regular Practice] 9AM - 5PM 

Please note that Kitai Sensei's availability is only confirmed for the Beginner Lessons on Saturdays. Other timings are meant for self-practice which Sensei will join based on her schedule.​

Venue: NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences AS4 #06-01, 02, 03

For those interested in joining our ensemble

KotoKotton welcomes anyone who is considering learning how to play the koto & can commit to practice! If you're interested in joining our ensemble, click on the contact button below for our sign-up forms!

Kizuna III Concert, RIKUZENTAKATA (JAPAN), 29.06.19

We’re delighted to have been part of the Kizuna III concert in support of the continued effort to rebuild the homes and lives of those affected by the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. The Kizuna III concert is a combined concert between KotoKottoN and other traditional Japanese music musicians, including Kawamura Kizan and 氷上 太鼓, from both Singapore and Japan.

Hi all! KotoKottoN is finally on Instagram! We're very excited to share snippets of our performances, practices and other misc stuff on our IG~ Do follow us at to keep abreast of our latest happenings!


インスタグラムをやっと立ち上げました! フォローしていただければ幸いです。

© 2021 KotoKotton

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